Crafting Connections: Artillery Ceramics and Baranggay Oakland Unite for a Clay Foraging Adventure

Click the image to register for the event on September 7!

At Artillery Ceramics, we believe in the power of art to build connections, inspire creativity, and celebrate culture.

Our studio has always been a place where art and community intertwine. This September, we're excited to embark on a unique collaboration with Baranggay Oakland, a local Filipinx community organization, to deepen these connections through a shared love of clay and nature.

A Partnership Rooted in Community

Baranggay Oakland has long been a pillar of cultural preservation and community engagement in the Bay Area, fostering a sense of belonging and pride among Austronesian & Filipinx individuals. The organization hosts monthly Austronesian dinner gatherings, featuring various indigenious artisan workshops, film screenings, and dance ritual performances that gather folx of the diaspora to exchange the knowledge and wisdom of the pre-colonial and tribal traditions of the Philippines.

Their commitment to creating spaces for re-indigenization in our communities through arts and culture align perfectly with our values at Artillery Ceramics. This collaboration is a natural extension of our shared dedication to using art as a tool for connection and empowerment.

The Nature Adventure: Guided Hike Foraging for Clay

Artillery Ceramics and Baranggay Oakland will come together for our first outdoor group Inop walk —a nature excursion to forage for clay at the beach.

This hands-on experience will not only offer participants a chance to explore the natural beauty of our local landscape but also to learn about the materials that have been used by our ancestors for centuries.

Clay, in its raw form, is a powerful reminder of the earth's ability to provide. It’s a material that has been shaped and molded by countless hands throughout history, serving as a bridge between cultures, generations, and artistic expressions. Our excursion will take participants through the process of finding and identifying clay in its natural environment, offering insight into the ancient practice of gathering and working with this versatile medium.

Most imporatantly, learning how to leave an offering after taking something from nature in community. Practicing a reciprocal relationship with nature; like many of our indigenous ancestors practiced.

Connecting with Our Roots

For many in the Filipinx community, this event will be an opportunity to reconnect with cultural practices that may have been lost or forgotten. In the Philippines, clay has been a vital part of artistic and everyday life for centuries, used in everything from pottery to traditional cooking. This event is great for those who want to connect deeper with the earth and other Filipinx community.

By foraging for clay together, we aim to revive these practices and create a space where participants can share stories, memories, and techniques passed down through generations.

via @baranggayoakland: This was our Austronesian Gathering on may 10th we are grateful to be welcomed in Ramaytush Ohlone territory. We connected with our elders and fellow islanders, as we exchange knowledge and wisdom. This was such a wonderful and powerful gathering, we were able to share food, learned how to make elder gifts for ceremonies and protocols for Intertribal relations.

This event is more than just a workshop; it’s a celebration of our shared heritage, an exploration of the natural world, and a chance to create something beautiful together. We hope that through this experience, participants will not only gain a deeper appreciation for the art of ceramics but also feel a stronger connection to their cultural roots and to each other.

via @baranggayoakland: For this month's gathering we are collaborating with Tinejoy author of The Divine coloring book to create an experience. Come join us March 8th and share meals, drinks and stories. As we create and learn together

Looking Ahead

The collaboration between Artillery Ceramics and Baranggay Oakland is just the beginning of what we hope will be an ongoing partnership. We’re excited to explore new ways to bring our communities together through art, nature, and shared experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a curious beginner, we invite you to join us on this journey and discover the magic of clay.

As we prepare for the event on September 7th, we look forward to welcoming you to Artillery Ceramics, where creativity, culture, and community come together.

Let’s dig into the earth, mold our stories, and shape a future filled with art and connection.

For more information on happenings with Baranggay Oakland community, check out their instagram @baranggayoakland.


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