Pottery Practivism : Pottery as a Path to Taking Care of Our Planet

In the heart of the Bay Area, amidst the bustling creativity of San Francisco, lies an oasis where pottery meets activism: the Artillery Ceramics Pottery Studio. More than just a space for molding clay, it has become a space for individuals passionate about nurturing our planet and our community connections. Through the gentle art of pottery, we find a medium that not only speaks to our creativity but also to being able to practice our activism around things we care about!

Pottery: A Sustainable Choice for our Mama Earth

Pottery, by its very nature, embodies sustainability. Unlike plastic, which persists for centuries in our environment, (ahhhhhhhh!) pottery crafted in any studio in San Francisco and beyond offers a timeless alternative. Each piece tells a story of craftsmanship and care, bearing the mark of its maker’s dedication to the Earth. From coffee mugs to storage jars, every creation invites us to rethink our reliance on plastic and embrace a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

Plastic-Free July Challenge

This July, we invite our community, both current & past members of our pottery community, to join us in a Plastic-Free July challenge. Let’s embark on a journey to eliminate plastic from our lives by replacing everyday items with clay creations. Imagine sipping your morning coffee from a handmade ceramic mug or storing your groceries in beautifully crafted clay containers. Together, we can make a significant impact on reducing plastic waste in our homes and communities.

Show & Tell and Potluck: Celebrating Community Creativity and Sustainability

To culminate our Plastic-Free July challenge, we will host a Show & Tell of Work + Potluck in August. This event will not only celebrate the hard work of our community but also highlight the collective effort towards a greener future. We encourage everyone to bring a plant-based dish to share in our Community Potluck and revel in the joy of creating positive change through pottery.

At our studio, sustainability isn’t just about the products we create but also how we create them. That’s why we embrace pit firing as a more eco-conscious alternative to traditional kiln firing. Pit firing involves using natural materials like wood, sawdust, and leaves to fire pottery outdoors, resulting in unique and unpredictable finishes. Not only does this method reduce our carbon footprint by using less energy, but it also connects us more intimately with the natural elements that inspire our craft. As we communicate our commitment to sustainability through pit firing, each piece becomes not just a work of art, but a testament to our dedication to the planet. Join us in exploring the beauty of pit firing and its role in shaping a more sustainable future for pottery and beyond.

Join Us: Think, tinker and challenge!

Intrigued by the idea of pottery activism, our doors are open to all who share our passion for the planet. Together, let’s think, tinker, and challenge ourselves to make a difference. Through creativity and community, we can shape a better world—one clay creation at a time.

How Can You Participate?

1. Current Members+ Past Members- Create and Replace: Think about one plastic item in your life that you can replace with a clay creation. Whether it’s a coffee cup, utensil holder, a plant pot, or a set of plates, every swap counts. But take the time to think & tinker.

2. Guest- Visit Our Studio: Drop by our pottery studio in San Francisco’s Bay Area and explore the art of pottery with the focus on PLASTIC FREE ALTERNATIVES.

3. Follow Us: Stay updated on our Plastic-Free July challenge and studio events by following us on social media @artilleryag.

4. Attend the Showcase: Stay tuned for the date for our Showcase of Work + Potluck in August. Join us in celebrating sustainability and creativity.

Together, let’s mold a future where pottery not only enriches our lives aesthetically but also serves as an art form for a healthier planet for our communities and future generations.

Join us on this journey of pottery activism—

it’s time to craft change, one piece at a time.




Discover the Art of Foraging Clay: Reconnect with Nature in San Francisco


San Francisco Pottery Studio: Inner Child Hand Building Workshop with Anthony Rodriguez