Full Moon Mindful Ceramics: Clay Explorations and Intention Setting

Come join us under the Full Moon for a night of Mindful Ceramics, clay explorations, and intention setting!

Come join us for a special evening of Mindful Ceramics charging our intention with the Full Moon Energy at Artillery AG with Kelly Elizabeth .

Get grounded as we explore clay with a meditation and set intentions for the month ahead in community. This in-person event is the perfect opportunity to connect with your creativity and manifest your desires through the art of ceramics.

What to bring:

  • A vision for the next Full Moon Cycle we can infuse our creations. Are you ready to receive something new? Or let something go?

  • A close friend to witness your intention & be your co-collaborator.

  • A drink or snack to share with the circle. We have a fridge and an electric kettle for hot water.

  • A tupperware or box to carry your clay creation home with you.

Upcoming Dates: September 16th & October 14th 6PM

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